We have won the first battle…

Cat Stolz
2 min readNov 7, 2020


We have won the first battle. Take the time to celebrate now, to breathe, a moment of rest and respite. The war will be long. 45 is not going to change his tune and leave gracefully; we still have to get him out in January. He has 74 days left in office, and he will be ruthless. The Supreme Court is still stacked against us. The hateful, racist underbelly of our country has been emboldened and will likely fight as hard as we will. We have so many human rights to protect. So many humans to protect. We need to be prepared to fight for healthcare, like right away. The ACA needs us this week.

As a nonbinary trans person, as a queer person, as a chronically ill person, this win means hope that I might survive, I might actually have rights. My friends and loved ones might survive and have rights, too. There is so much to fight for. Take a breath, and get ready.

We’ve pushed ever so slightly left. Now is when we fight for our rights, lay out our policies and demand to be seen and heard. Black and brown people need us, other white people. Trans people need you, cis folks. Queer people need you, straight folks. Disabled and chronically ill people need you, able-bodied people. Poor people need us, middle class folks. Women and femmes need you, men. Use your privilege to fight for those with less. I will not stop fighting for the rights of all my fellow human beings. But today I will take a breath, regroup, and celebrate. And then get ready to fight like hell.

[Image description: A tweet from Helen Rosner @hels 12:04 PM · Nov 7, 2020:

Like yes sure we have to escape the monster-infested dungeon but at least the shackles are gone and we have a sword.]



Cat Stolz
Cat Stolz

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